In this blog post, I’d like to give a wORRm welcome to our newest Orr Fellows. (That’s how you Orr Fellows do it, right?)
It’s no secret that ClearObject LOVES the Orr Fellowship. This fellowship attracts some of the best and brightest soon-to-be graduates from colleges and universities around the Midwest, places them at host companies like ClearObject and most importantly assists these new graduates with workshops, skills enhancements, personal development, speaker series and case/pitch competitions to continue the fellow’s continuous learning experience.
This past month, ClearObject welcomed 3 more Orr Fellows to the team and we couldn’t be more excited.

Their first month at ClearObject has FLOWN by. They’ve already made such an incredible impact and bring a new level of energy to our team. Here’s what they have to say about the first 30 days at ClearObject:
1. What are some of your favorite things about ClearObject/ your role / the company?
Ben Walters: “My favorite part about ClearObject is everyone in the office makes you feel valued and that you are worth investing in. From our CEO, John McDonald, all the way down to me, a brand new hire, I feel like everyone wants the best for you and for the team and knows how to pull the best out of others. My favorite part about my role is I get to learn something new on every project. I learn about the ins and outs of our customers businesses in various industries. Some of which I’ve never even thought about before. On top of that, I get to help them solve critical issues that not only affect their business but may also change the entire industry.”
Emily Houser: “The people I work with who are continuously helpful and patient as I learn the ropes; the collaborative nature of being a PM and working with multiple coworkers, customers, and other companies; and the culture of high trust, high performance.”
Luke Labus: “I like that we are a cutting-edge, forward-thinking, global company with a family-oriented and inclusive culture. I enjoy being able to be involved on projects that assist huge companies and affect thousands of peoples’ lives across the globe, from Europe and Australia to our backyard here in Indiana. I appreciate that our CEO John McDonald has a vision – equal parts romantic and strategic – that has gotten this company off the ground and into the cloud(s). Our leadership continues to be committed to serving the ClearObject family and supporting the bubbling entrepreneurial spirit of the greater Indianapolis area, and it is clear that this commitment reverberates throughout and motivates the organization.”
2. What surprised you during your first 30 days on the job?
Ben Walters: “I think the biggest surprise was getting new investors during my first week. I’ve seen companies get acquired and it usually has a lot of impact on the culture or personnel of the company but it was different at ClearObject. We got investors that love the work that we do and simply want to foster our success with the people and culture we already had in place.” -Ben Walters
Emily Houser: How ClearObject uses an entirely new language to me. Even taking meeting notes at the beginning was challenging because I didn’t recognize the words/acronyms everyone was using. Therefore, my notes were gibberish until I went back through and googled everything to translate/correct them.”
Luke Labus: “I came in knowing that I had a lot to learn, but I was surprised at how helpful and cheerful everyone would be. I feel very empowered to feel free to ask questions when I don’t know the answer and provide suggestions when I feel like things could be done better.”
3. What experiences make you happy to be at work?
Ben Walters: “I think it’s the fun conversations I get to have with other fellow employees. I knew I was working with some of the smartest people in the country, but each of them have worked extremely hard to get to where they are and all have a really interesting story of how they came to find ClearObject.”
Emily Houser: “Knowing there’s work to be done and checked off the list! Also, catching up with coworkers, being able to ask coworkers questions, and having almond butter biscuits to munch on.”
Luke Labus: “I enjoy coming into work feeling like people not only want to do an incredible job at their job, but genuinely care about my life, my interests and my day. People are encouraged take a couple minutes to get a coffee and catch up or learn a new skill, play a little ping pong, and participate in fun weekly events. I believe that we can do our best work when we truly feel like a team or family. I love that ClearObject embraces the Orr Fellowship experience and invests their trust and resources in the quality of the people in the program.”
4. What are some things you’re hoping to learn here at ClearObject?
Ben Walters: “I’m hoping to learn about the IoT industry in general because that is where the world is trending. So being on the forefront of that in terms of knowledge is exciting. Personally, I’d also like to develop my overall management skills and really learn how to best communicate in order to get the most out of people.“
Emily Houser: “What all the teams here at ClearObject do and how we support each other, how to smoothly migrate customers to GCP, how to anticipate customers’ questions and requests, how to utilize and interpret all the tools ClearObject uses to collect data, to understand and be able to answer and/or redirect 100% of customers’ questions, etc. There is so much to learn in this field of technology in addition to Project Management and Customer Success. “
Luke Labus: “I’m obviously hoping to learn some best practices regarding project management, customer success and my own job, but ultimately learn what it takes to run a small, but growing business in the tech industry. The endless possibilities of machine learning and the Internet of Things are super interesting, and I’m hoping to help explore the ways that these up-and-coming technologies can positively affect our global and local communities.”
5. Is your job what you expected?
Ben Walters: “I think it has been in some parts and not in others. I was expecting to be challenged to learn new lingo and processes, but I don’t think I was expecting to be given so much responsibility right out of the gate. I’m a month in and now have ownership of multiple projects where I’m organizing and working with people who have been in this industry longer than I’ve been alive.”
Emily Houser: “80% yes”
Luke Labus: “Although I had some experiences with leading team-based projects in my organizations at Purdue, I wasn’t sure exactly what my role as a Project Manager would be here at ClearObject. I’ve been pleasantly surprised by how welcoming and helpful my managers have been getting me up to speed as to what hats I can and should wear, what tools are available to streamline work, and encouraging an innovative atmosphere of constant improvement as a project management team.”
6. What’s your favorite ClearObject perk?
Ben Walters: “Tough question. Either the stocked kitchen or the Pac-Man machine. Both are great for taking a break to recuperate. “
Emily Houser: “There are so many! But besides the swag, probably the flexible work schedule.”
Luke Labus: “A few of my favorite ClearObject perks are unlimited PTO, providing a safe place to try new things and fail, and obviously the branded socks. I already have 4 pairs.”
7. Who is your favorite co-worker at ClearObject?
Ben Walters: (Ben Walters decided not to pick favorites, so he omitted a response to this question. Since I’m writing this blog post, I’ll answer for him.) Answer: “Nicole DelMastro-Lesher.”
Emiy Houser: “Still up in the air…”
Luke Labus: “It’s hard to pick just one because everyone is so great, but I appreciate Scott Herren because he brings a lot of experience and passion to the Project Management team and is a fellow Purdue Boilermaker.”
Are you ready for new challenges and new opportunities? We’re always looking to add more talented, intelligent and hard-working individuals to the team. Visit our careers page to see where you might fit in!