Parallel Reality and My 5-minute Trip to Seoul, Day 2 at CES 2020

Parallel Reality and My 5-minute Trip to Seoul, Day 2 at CES 2020

Reporting from CES 2020, Day 2… Are you scratching your head a bit over the “parallel reality” bit? I know I was before yesterday. However, after Tuesday’s Delta keynote (watch the video) and the presentation by Albert Ng, the CEO of Misapplied Sciences who invented...
Flying Cars, Plastic Blankets and IoT? Where Else, But CES 2020!

Flying Cars, Plastic Blankets and IoT? Where Else, But CES 2020!

CES is always an eye-popping, jaw-dropping experience. But CES 2020 is absolutely mind boggling. Yesterday I started to scratch the surface and had some time, in between keynotes and panel sessions, to get up close and a little more personal with some amazing...
The Top 3 Things to See at CES 2020

The Top 3 Things to See at CES 2020

What? You’ve never heard of CES? The Consumer Electronics Show is a world-renowned electronics and technology show and has more than 50 consecutive years of operation. The CES event, which runs this year from January 7-10, is held annually in Las Vegas, NV and has...