AI Quality Assurance makes Automobiles Safer

AI Quality Assurance makes Automobiles Safer

Since the 1950’s, safety has been a top concern for auto manufacturers, some have even promoted safety as a competitive differentiator. Now with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, manufacturers have access to new tools that can help them make even...
Improve Drive-thru Profitability with Vision AI

Improve Drive-thru Profitability with Vision AI

Have you ever turned into a drive-thru for a quick meal or a snack, then changed your mind after seeing the long line of cars? As a restaurant operator, there are few things more frustrating than watching a potential customer drive away. Not only have you lost a...
Why Vision AI is Important for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs)

Why Vision AI is Important for Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs)

Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) were uniquely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic as consumer needs shifted to accommodate social distancing and other restrictions. To remain competitive, QSRs need to improve operations to better meet the current and future demands of...
Three Key Principles to Build Trust with your Product Teams

Three Key Principles to Build Trust with your Product Teams

Working with an external Digital Product team requires trust. At ClearObject, we’ve developed three key principles to create a shared confidence that we are all building the solution you envision.   1 – Getting Started is more important than Being Right...
What is Lights Out Manufacturing?

What is Lights Out Manufacturing?

A lights out manufacturing system, or “LOM”, is an automated production process that runs without the need for direct human supervision or intervention. The goal of a lights out manufacturing system is to reduce labor costs, increase efficiency and...